
How to find the right data for generate a partial SHA-256

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I have 12 bytes (5 fixed and 8 variable) of data that will be passed to SHA-256, at the end only the last 5 (most significant) bytes of the 20 generated are checked, is there a way to generate the 8 variable bytes to fake this type of SHA-256 check?

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Hint: a fair model of SHA-256 restricted to fixed-size input bitstrings is a random function from the set of these bitstrings to the set of 256-bit bitstrings. By this model, what is the probability that when you hash one of the 5 fixed + 8 variable bytes at input, the output matches the required conditions? How many such attempts with different 8 bytes values are thus expected to be necessary to find a suitable input? Is 8 bytes variable enough space for that, with some margin? Is that computationally feasible with the resources you can assume?

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