
Is it safe to use the same seed phrase for different cryptocurrency protocols

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I want to use the same seed phrase for severl cryptocoins (Bticoin, Ethereum, Nano, etc.). I understand that each protocol has its own phrase length and possibly a different way of generating the private/public keys from the phrase.

I also understand that if one wallet is comporomised, and the phrase is stolen, it can be used to access funds on any protocol.

But besides that, from a mathematical/cryptographic point of view, is there any significant risk that generating different wallet addressed on different protocols, will make easier to find the seed phrase?

fgrieu avatar
ng flag
That will depend on details of how the seed phrase is changed into private key, and for what cryptography (e.g. what signature system or what Elliptic Curve). We can craft scenarios where using the same seed phrase will result in the same private key on the same curve (which may or may not compromise security), perhaps others where it allows to find the private key from the public keys generated from the same phrase (a sure disaster). Since there are so many cryptocurrency protocols, signature schemes, and ways to change seed phrase to key, I find the question needs more focus.

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