
Communication cost of bit level calculation for boolean shares in MPC

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Bit operations, such as bit addition/multiplication, are quite efficient from computation point of view. But in MPC, for example, if we use beaver triples for bit multiplication, 2 parties have to exchange intermediate values which leads to network communication. So, although the meaningful data we exchange is not that much (1 bit from each direction), are we consuming too much extra costs (network latency + sending time of a package with ONLY 1 bit useful payload but much bigger header) for this simple bit multiplication IN PRACTICAL?

Geoffroy Couteau avatar
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Note that secure multiplications are usually not executed sequentially: instead, all multiplication gates with the same multiplicative depth in the circuit are executed in parallel. For typical circuits, this strongly amortizes the cost of headers and latency issues (though latency is still a problem - that's why, in the LAN setting, solutions based on garbled circuits are sometimes preferred).

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