
How to get a common coordinate from two different coordinates on Elliptic Curves?

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I am trying to write a SageMath script that multiplies two coordinates on Elliptic Curves into one common coordinate.

SageMath Elliptic curves over finite fields documentation

p = Number

M1 = EllipticCurve (GF (p), [0,7])

C1 = M1 ([x1, y1])
C2 = M1 ([x2, y2])
C3 = C1 * C2

Somewhere they wrote that using sets of the SageMath function it is possible to do this. How to do it?

fgrieu avatar
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Before computing something, one must have a clear picture of what it is. We can add two points on an Elliptic Curve. We can multiply a point on an Elliptic curve by an integer (that's mathematically defined by repeated addition, and well-defined since addition is associative). But there is no common definition of the multiplication of two points on an Elliptic Curve, unless we also mention a generator $G$, in which case we can define that $C_1=c_1⋅G$ and $C_2=c_2⋅G$ implies by definition that $C_1*C_2=(c_1×c_2)⋅G$ where $×$ is modular multiplication modulo the order $n$ of $G$.
Daniel S avatar
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If you're trying to find an implementation of the elliptic curve group law in sagemath, it uses the "+" operator. In other words, `C3=C1+C2` will set `C3` equal to the combination of `C1` and `C2` under the elliptic curve group law.
Dew Debra avatar
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@DanielS How do I write `" + "operator` and this whole formula in `SageMath`?
kelalaka avatar
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For addition: `C3 = C1 + C2` this works since you defined C1 and C1 as points. For multiplication: Does this answer your question? [How do I multiply two points on an elliptic curve?](, If not, please indicate your actual aim.
Maarten Bodewes avatar
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