
Fast implementations of verifiable Shamir's Secret shares

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One way of verifying Shamir's secret shares is to use the technique by Feldman where $c_0,\cdots,c_k$ represent the coefficients of the polynomial $p()$ in $\mathbb{Z}_q$. For verifying share $(i,p(i))$ and public parameters group $G$ of prime order $p, q|p-1$ and generator $g$, the share generator provides $(g,d_0,\cdots,d_k)$ where $d_j=g^{c_j}, j \in\{0,1,\cdots,k\}$. The receiver of the share $s$,checks whether $g^s = \prod_j d_j^{i^j}$. Is there a way to make this checking faster (or any other faster VSS scheme) especially when there is a large number of different shares (the input is high dimensional, one share per dimension) to verified?


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