The zero-knowledge property of the Groth16 (, page 8) non-interactive zero-knowledge argument is based on the existence of a simulator $\text{Sim}$ generating "fake" proofs for valid statements $(\phi, w) \in R$ without knowledge of the witness $w$ for statement $\phi$.
My question is whether for Groth16 there also exists a simulator $\text{Sim}'$ to generate "fake" proofs for invalid statements $\phi'$, for which no witness $w'$ with $(\phi', w') \in R$ exists. Formally, does Groth16 satisfy the following notion?
Fake zero-knowledge: For all $\lambda \in \mathbb{N}, (R, z) \gets \mathcal{R}(1^\lambda), (\phi, w) \in R$, all $\phi'$, and all adversaries $\mathcal{A}$: $Pr[(\sigma, \tau) \gets \text{Setup}(R); \pi \gets \text{Prove}(R, \sigma, \phi, w): \mathcal{A}(R, z, \sigma, \tau, \pi) = 1] = Pr[(\sigma, \tau) \gets \text{Setup}(R); \pi \gets \text{Sim}'(R, \tau, \phi'): \mathcal{A}(R, z, \sigma, \tau, \pi) = 1]$
Any answer would be helpful, including a proof for fake zero-knowledge of Groth16 or other schemes, definitions of similar but different notions, or an impossibility result.
(I'm trying to construct a security proof where generating such fake proofs seems necessary. I've never seen the notion above, but it seems to me that $\text{Sim}'$ should exist for some schemes.)