
How to decrypt a file using RSA and just a public.pem file?

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I have an encoded file and a public.pem file. Is it possible to decode the file using the public.pem file or do I have to start looking at private keys?

I tried with no luck. The public key (pem) is as below

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
kelalaka avatar
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What is the origin of this Q?
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Adding on to the above, the modulus and public exponent can be extracted from the public.pem. The public exponent e is 10001.

It turns out that this is a constructed modulus which is very weak and was not generated using recommended security guidelines.

The 2048 bit, 617 decimal digit modulus N=pq can be factored immediately because it is a square. That's right p=q and N = p^2.

phi(N) = p(p-1)

The method to find d the private exponent when e, p and q are known has been shown many times on this forum. Then the file can be decrypted.

dave_thompson_085 avatar
cn flag
Good catch on the square, but phi(p^2) is NOT (p-1)x(p-1). See .
MostlyResults avatar
fr flag
Corrected. Thanks. The error could have led someone down a time consuming path.
in flag
Any advice on a good question/answer that would highlight how to find the numbers @MostlyResults
MostlyResults avatar
fr flag
If your ctf question insists that a file or text can be decrypted from the public.pem even though p and q are the same, look at the answer to the second question in this link:
ar flag

Is it possible to decode the file using the public.pem file


or do I have to start looking at private keys?


RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. That means that its keys come in pairs, containing a public key and a private key, and that data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key.

fgrieu avatar
ng flag
[Dr. Spock]( would qualify _"data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key"_ as technically incorrect. Poorly thought RSA padding (as common in CTFs and introductions to RSA, including textbook RSA) may allow decryption without private key. So can access to a decryption device in Bleichenbacher's attack on RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5. And in all RSA encryption modes of PKCS#1, any of multiple private keys allow decryption.
in flag
Thanks - it as indeed for a CTF and was possible

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