Taking a look in this economic paper they use cryptographic tools to implement correletaed equilibria in the case of two plaeyrs. They use permutations for the exchange of information between the players in order to construct through cheap talk the function that gives the (outpout) recommended strategy. In other words they share a secret by so as to build the correlated strategy $f(secrets)=(stochastic\quad action\quad recommendatos)$. It resembels the case of secure computation, but in this case the players are $2$. Usually, the method of sharing a secret among $N$ players is secure multiparty computation. So I have the following questions.
$\textbf{Question 1:}$ Could we proove secure multiparty computation among $N$ players as it is considered in this paper with the use of permuatation secret sharing scheme as in the case of $2$ of the paper of Vida and Forges that is mentioned above?
$\textbf{Question 2:}$ The secret that is shared between the players is usually a binary variable that belongs two the set $\{0,1\}$. What happens in case where the secret shared is a gaussian random variable, say $(x_1,x_2...x_N)\sim N(M,\Sigma)$, where $M$ is the vector of means of all the $x_i$'s and $\Sigma$ the variance-covariance matrix that is of full rank?