
Can other modes be applied in OpenPGP (not using CFB mode)?

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According to -> OpenPGP only mentioned about CFB mode.

According to (section 2.1 and 3.10) -> AES GCM mode is also approved to use

I am going to implement an application follow RFC 4880 My question is: why RFC 4880 only mentioned about CFB mode. Could I use AES GCM mode?

kelalaka avatar
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RFC 4880 is written in 2007 and RFC's are generally not updated in those manners, only errata exist. FIPS 197 SP 800-38D existed in the same year, and don't expect coordination between the groups. See [Work in progress to update the OpenPGP specification from RFC4880]( the preferred modes are [AEAD-EAX and AEAD-OCB](

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