
Is curve25519 faster than spec256k1 on point multiplication?

cn flag

Suppose $G_1, G_2$ are the base points on curve25519 and spec256k1, respectively. Point multiplication means to compute $kG_1$ and $kG_2$.

Then which curve is faster?

Bob avatar
cn flag
Refer to , point multiplication on spec256k1 needs 7M for double and 16M for add
Bob avatar
cn flag
Bob, point multiplication on twisted edwards curve need 8M for both add and double.
knaccc avatar
es flag
Beware that "variable base" scalar multiplication will have different performance characteristics than "fixed base" scalar multiplication due to the possibility of pre-computation of a particular base point for faster subsequent scalar multiplications.
kelalaka avatar
in flag
This is generic question asking without the aim. For example Curve25519 when uses for DHKE the Montgomery Ladder beats all since Curve25519 has a Montgomery representation. So what is your aim so that you need to the two curves?

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