
How to generate constraint on right shift bitwise operator in Circom

nz flag

How to generate constraint on right shift bitwise operator in the circom circuit language?

I'm trying to do the following:

pragma circom 2.0.0;

template MAIN() {

    signal input v;
    signal output type;

    type <== v >> 5;

component main = MAIN();

I'm getting the following error:

error[T3001]: Non quadratic constraints are not allowed!
   ┌─ "/Users/ilia/compiling/main-circom/main.circom":68:5
68 │     type <== v >> 5;
   │     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ found here
   = call trace:

I think this has to do with the fact that v >> 5 expression can not be re-expressed as a quadratic expression by the circom compiler.

I struggle to rewrite the expression to be quadratic. It might involve writing assignment and constraint as two separate operations, but I'm not sure what a proper validating constraint would be for a right shift.

In terms of test cases, I expect type to be $5$ when v is $168$ for example.

kr flag
Programming questions are off-topic on Crypto SE.
meshcollider avatar
gb flag
Right shift by n bits is the same as division by 2^n, so you can use that to constrain (multiply the other side by 2^n and use a mask to clear the lower bits). You can just use assignment with `<--`
nz flag
I was directed to this stackexchange when i asked a question about Circom on StackOverflow... I tried: `type <-- v >> 5; type * 32 === v & 0xE0;` but now I get "Non quadratic constraints are not allowed" on the `type * 32 === v & 0xE0` line
nz flag
How can I generate constraint for a & bitwise operator? Had a look into circomlib but haven't found anything that quite fits the bill, only see `& 1` but that's not generic enough I don't think.
nz flag
I've tried this to generate a constraint on & operator: `signal check; check <-- v & 0xE0; check & 0x1F === 0;` but it's failing with "No quadratic constraints are not allowed!" again
kelalaka avatar
in flag
Who did direct this question to here? There are already SageMath questions and answers there yet this was off-topic?
nz flag
I was directed to this stackexchange here: with the reasoning that " might be more appropriate for ZKP-related questions"
gb flag

Solution using the LessThan comparator from circomlib:

//... import comparators from circomlib ...

template MAIN() {

    signal input v;
    signal output type;
    signal check_v;
    component lessThan = LessThan(8);

    type <-- v >> 5;
    check_v <== type*32;
    // use circomlib LessThan to check that (v - check_v) < 32[0] <== v - check_v;[1] <== 32;    
    lessThan.out === 1;

component main = MAIN();
nz flag
Yep, that worked. Thank you! `component lessThan = LessThan(8); // full 8 bits[0] <== v - check_v;[1] <== 32; lessThan.out === 1;`
meshcollider avatar
gb flag
Sweet! Updated my answer with the final code then. We should clean up these comments.
nz flag

circomlib/circuits/sha256/shift.circom has a ShR component which performs right shift.

    var InputBits = 8;
    var ResultBits = 3;

    // convert v to bits
    component n2b = Num2Bits(InputBits); <== v;

    // shift
    component shr = ShR(InputBits, 5); // v >> 5
    for (var i = 0; i < InputBits; i++) {[i] <== n2b.out[i];

    // convert back to number
    component b2n = Bits2Num(ResultBits);
    for (var i = 0; i < ResultBits; i++) {[i] <== shr.out[i];
    type <== b2n.out;
nz flag

EDIT: This doesn't sufficiently verify the shift operation. See @meshcollider's answer instead.

Ok, i'm not fully sure if this is right, but this is what I came up with.

pragma circom 2.0.0;

template MAIN() {

    signal input v;
    signal output type;

    // assign `type` signal
    // shift 0bXXXYYYYY to 0b00000XXX
    // v is a trusted signal
    type <-- v >> 5;

    // prepare constraint checking for `type`
    signal three_upper_bits;
    // 0b11100000 = 0xE0
    // v is trusted signal
    three_upper_bits <-- v & 0xE0; // 3 upper bits of v (0bXXX00000). v can only be 8 bits.

    // should_only_be_lower_bits is 0b000YYYYY
    // we get it by 0bXXXYYYYY - 0bXXX00000 to get 0b000YYYYY
    var should_only_be_lower_bits = v - three_upper_bits;
    // we're checking that should_only_be_lower_bits can only be LESS THAN 32 (0b00011111)
    // that verifies that three_upper_bits are pristine and were not messed with.
    // if someone were to mess with three_upper_bits, should_only_be_lower_bits would contain higher bits
    // and be more than 32 (0b00011111).
    // by doing that, we cryptographically assert that should_only_be_lower_bits is in the form of 0b000YYYYY
    signal upper_bit_1;
    signal upper_bit_2;
    signal upper_bit_3;
    upper_bit_1 <-- should_only_be_lower_bits & 0x80; // 0b10000000. This signal can be 0bX0000000
    upper_bit_2 <-- should_only_be_lower_bits & 0x40; // 0b01000000. This signal can be 0b0X000000
    upper_bit_3 <-- should_only_be_lower_bits & 0x20; // 0b00100000. This signal can be 0b00X00000
    upper_bit_1 === 0; // Assert that 0bX0000000 is 0b00000000
    upper_bit_2 === 0; // Assert that 0b0X000000 is 0b00000000
    upper_bit_3 === 0; // Assert that 0b00X00000 is 0b00000000

    // generate constraint for type signal
    // 2^5 = 32
    type * 32 === three_upper_bits;

component main = MAIN();

The comments go through my thinking, but essentially I verify the signal assignments with substraction/multiplication constraints.

meshcollider avatar
gb flag
You can combine the three `upper_bit_` bit checks if you use 0xE0
nz flag
That's true. I also think I need to double check that v is only 8 bits and not more.
meshcollider avatar
gb flag
Also you may have just hidden the problem here: `three_upper_bits <-- v & 0xE0;` I'm not sure this really does safely verify.
nz flag
@meshcollider that's a very good point! I have no clue what i'm doing. I'm still not sure what's the safe way to verify `>> 5` operation.
bm flag

Following is a solution for the error.

//Code Begins

pragma circom 2.0.0;

template MAIN() {

signal input v;
signal output type;
signal rs;

rs <-- v >> 5;
type <== rs;


component main = MAIN();

//End of code



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