
Prevent Bleichenbacher by adjusting Padding

ve flag

I got the following question and I really don‘t know how to answer them. My I ask you for your input?

Do you think, that the following adjusted Padding will prevent the classic Bleichenbacher attack

2Byte Random prefix | Random padding bytes unequal 0xff | 0xff | PremasterSecret

In theory I would agree (at least for the classic Bleichenbacher), but wouldn‘t that be to easy? And what other problems could come with this coding?

Thanks in advance

fgrieu avatar
ng flag
The devil lies in the details. How would the `2Byte Random prefix` and first bytes of the `Random padding bytes unequal 0xff` be chosen to insure that the padded message is less than the public modulus? Or is that chosen with 0xffffff in the high-order 24 bits, which would ensure that?

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