Assuming that you are correctly using the term "accumulator" to mean a commitment to a set (i.e., unordered) of elements, one simple answer is "no."
There cannot be such an accumulator scheme because, in order to construct membership proofs for any element in the accumulated set, one needs to have the full set of $n$ elements which requires $O(n)$ storage.
I cannot point to any paper that proves this, but it seems like a natural result that could be proven.
On the other hand, suppose you do not care about the ability to compute proofs. Perhaps all you care about is keeping the digest up to date as new elements are appended to the accumulator. (e.g., perhaps proofs can be maintained by interesting parties, such as in stateless cryptocurrencies [RMCI17, CPZ18])
Then, many schemes would satisfy your requirement. Some of them are even able to deal with deleting elements.
- Append-only Merkle trees or forest (e.g., Utreexo [Dryj19])
- i.e., keep a $O(\log{n})$-sized digest around and you can update it
- RSA accumulators [Bd93]
- i.e., keep a $O(1)$-sized digest around and you can update it
- Lattice-based accumulators [PSTY13]
- i.e., keep a $O(1)$-sized digest around and you can update it
Some of these schemes have caveats though: e.g., for RSA accumulators, if you want to update the digest after one or more deletes, you need to additionally have the membership proof(s) for the removed element(s).
[Bd93] One-Way Accumulators: A Decentralized Alternative to Digital Signatures; by Benaloh, Josh and de Mare, Michael; in EUROCRYPT '93; 1994
[CPZ18] Edrax: A Cryptocurrency with Stateless Transaction Validation; by Alexander Chepurnoy and Charalampos Papamanthou and Yupeng Zhang; 2018;
[Dryj19] Utreexo: A dynamic hash-based accumulator optimized for the Bitcoin UTXO set; by Thaddeus Dryja; 2019;
[PSTY13] Streaming Authenticated Data Structures; by Papamanthou, Charalampos and Shi, Elaine and Tamassia, Roberto and Yi, Ke; in EUROCRYPT 2013; 2013
[RMCI17] Improving Authenticated Dynamic Dictionaries, with Applications to Cryptocurrencies; by Reyzin, Leonid and Meshkov, Dmitry and Chepurnoy, Alexander and Ivanov, Sasha; in FC'17; 2017