Here is a possible way to perform iterative cryptographic hashing twice as fast as in the ordinary way.
Given a compression function $f: \{0,1\}^{a+b} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^b$. Assume the message is of length $4a$ bits after padding. Normally the four message blocks are injected one after another into a data block $x_i \in \{0,1\}^b$:
m = m_0 \| m_1 \| m_2 \| m_3; \; |m_i| = a
x_{i+1} = f(x_i \| m_i); \; i=0,1,2,3; \; x_0 = IV
h = x_4
A first idea to hash faster is to simplify the compression function, e. g. replace $f$ by a function $g$ that is built similarly but uses only $\frac 1 4$ of the internal rounds. Compute $x_4$ like above with using $g$ instead of $f$ and finalize by $h=p(x_4)$, where $p$ is a pseudorandom function that doesn't allow to compute $x_4$ from the hash $h$.
I reckon this might be secure against preimage but not collision attacks, because there is too much correlation between $x_i$ and $x_{i+1}$, allowing to construct message blocks $m_i, \overline m_i, m_{i+1}, \overline m_{i+1}$ so that
$$g(g(x_i\|m_i)\|m_{i+1})=g(g(x_i\|\overline m_i)\|\overline m_{i+1})$$
The idea is now to insert each message block twice:
x_{i+1} = g(x_i \| m_{i \bmod 4}); \; i=0,...,7
h = x_8
Now there are at least five calls to $g$ between the injections of two different blocks $m_i, m_j$. For example $m_2$ is hashed when $i=2$ and $m_3$ when $i=7$, thus there shouldn't be exploitable correlation between $x_2$ and $x_7$. Yet this scheme uses only $\frac 1 2$ the rounds in total, compared with the ordinary method.
Would this be secure, given the round number of $f$ is just sufficient to make the ordinary method secure?