
Verifiable Base Point generation via NIST SP 800-186 method

ng flag

I'm looking at D.3.2 Verifiably Random Base Points of NIST SP 800-186. Looks like step 5 is there to ensure that $hashlen > bitLen(q)+1$ and (potentially) discard big $e$, so $t$ is distributed properly. However, the generation method won't work in if $hashlen < bitLen(q)$ (say SHA256 and Curve448). Is there any way to fix it?

enter image description here

kelalaka avatar
in flag
The step only checks that the division is not the same. You may choose a large hash like SHA-512.
pintor avatar
ng flag
@kelalaka, yes but when hashlen is smaller than qbitLen, it's an infinite loop, no? With a bigger hashlen there is no problem, but I wonder how to make it work with a smaller one

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