
Diffie-Hellman: how to solve an alternative of Diffie-Hellman given an algorithm that solves Square Diffie-Hellman?

ru flag

A simple question. How can I proof the next polynomial reduction? : $DH’ ≤_{p} SQ$

where DH': given $g^{a}$ and $g^{b}$, compute {$g^{ab}$,$yg^{ab}$} where $y= g^{d/2}$, d is the order of cyclic group G.

and SQ: Square Diffie-Hellman (SDH) given $g^{a}$ , compute $(g^{a})^{2}$

Morrolan avatar
ng flag
Your notation of SDH is improper - it's about, given $g^a$, finding $g^{a^2} = g^{(a^2)}$. Finding $(g^a)^2$ would be rather straight-forward. With that said, there exist previous questions on this site about the equivalence of SDH and CDH, such as [this]( or [this](
Facundo Fleitas avatar
ru flag
$(g^{a})^{2} = g^{a}g^{a} = g^{2a} = g^{(a^2)}$
Facundo Fleitas avatar
ru flag
I dont want for the equivalence of SDH and CDH, DH' its a different variant.
Morrolan avatar
ng flag
The last equality of yours does not hold. $a^2 \neq 2a$ for most values of $a$. In which context have you encountered this DH' problem? It seems equivalent to CDH, but if it's part of an assignment then I'd rather not provide a full solution.

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