
Has anyone come across any Papers on Statistical analysis of Present cipher? Nist or Dieharder

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I need to Perform Statistical Analysis of Present. I choose NIST but I am getting underflow error even though I am taking 10 million bits.

kelalaka avatar
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Welcome to []. Your question is about program usage and this is off-topic here even it is a cryptographic tool. Besides, it is not a clear question. You should write your OS/installation step, version, and all the errors you got. It might be better to be asked in [so] or specific OS sites. Casting off-topic.
Basic CS Insights avatar
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No .. it has nothing to do with OS. I have a file with keys generated BY present cipher. I need to perform statistical testing of these keys. I want to do it using NIST STS but i feel I am not doing it right maybe as I get errors
kelalaka avatar
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How you cannot claim about the OS? What about the library changes in Unixes that corrupt many programs? Have you ever heard of such problems? This is why tiny details are important to your problem... Start from there....

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