
How to use Argon2 with salt from binary file?

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In the Linux program Argon2, we need to supply the salt in the command line. This limits the salt to be printable characters. How can we use a binary string as the salt?

# argon2 -h

Usage:  argon2 [-h] salt [-i|-d|-id] [-t iterations] [-m log2(memory in KiB) | -k memory in KiB] [-p parallelism] [-l hash length] [-e|-r] [-v (10|13)]
        Password is read from stdin
        salt            The salt to use, at least 8 characters
        -i              Use Argon2i (this is the default)
        -d              Use Argon2d instead of Argon2i
        -id             Use Argon2id instead of Argon2i
        -t N            Sets the number of iterations to N (default = 3)
        -m N            Sets the memory usage of 2^N KiB (default 12)
        -k N            Sets the memory usage of N KiB (default 4096)
        -p N            Sets parallelism to N threads (default 1)
        -l N            Sets hash output length to N bytes (default 32)
        -e              Output only encoded hash
        -r              Output only the raw bytes of the hash
        -v (10|13)      Argon2 version (defaults to the most recent version, currently 13)
        -h              Print argon2 usage

I tried using \x0A notation does not work. As see below, \x0A and \x0a produce different hashes.

# cat /tmp/keyfile | argon2 "\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D" -id -t 4 -m 5 -p 1 -l 64 -r


# cat /tmp/keyfile | argon2 "\x0a\x0B\x0C\x0D\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D" -id -t 4 -m 5 -p 1 -l 64 -r 


For extra information, I would like to use Argon to simulate LUKS's PBKDF.

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I found a partial solution: `eval 'cat /tmp/keyfile | argon2 '$(printf "\xab\xbc\x1b\x5b\xd9\x19\x2b\xce\x04\x59\x1c\x31\x97\xcc\x03\xd9\x13\x5a\x6f\x54\x6a\x1b\x81\xb8\xc6\x93\x0e\x19\xd1\xa0\x0c\x15")' -id -t 4 -m 5 -p 1 -l 64'`. But if the hex is `` " ' ( )` it will break. So I have to `grep` to check if it contains those hex, by `grep -e ' 60 ' -e ' 27 ' -e ' 22 ' -e ' 28 ' -e ' 29 '`.
SAI Peregrinus avatar
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POSIX Shell escape sequences are octal, not hex.

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