
Faster linkable ring signatures libraries

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I need a fast linkable ring signatures library, something that is O(log(n)) and n is the ring size. I read a few papers about these kinds of schemes but I didnt find any implementations of them. Here are few of the papers I read:

If anyone knows about any implementations of this papers it would help me a lot, thank you!!!

gd flag

Last cited paper ('s first authors were at that time part of MRL (Monero Research Lab): and CLSAG is still the ring signature used today (for a quick recap of the various flavours: so I guess you could check Monero's source code, which is open source, for the implementation.. I would suggest and crypto.cpp for, at least, library first-inspiration

שחר כהן avatar
lb flag
I am trying yhis right now, but I cant seem to figure out how to extract the code from monero, I get a lot of errors and I cant figure out what to do, I am starting to give up, Do you have any idea about how can I extract the ring signatures code?
baro77 avatar
gd flag
not personally, cause I'm not a Monero coder so I don't know where to start from (the Monero codebase isn't a simple one imho) ... but maybe you can try asking for help to their "Development Workgroup", they are kind and skilled guys (even if of course I don't know if they have time to help you). Here the ways to contact them:
שחר כהן avatar
lb flag
thanks you!!!!!
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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