
How to conduct a forgery attack on a CBC-MAC algorithm, given a n block plaintext message T and its corresponding MAC M?

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I'm trying to carry out a forgery attack on a CBC-MAC algorithm that automatically pads the message.

I have a 5-block message T, consisting of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 and its corresponding MAC M. The message is shorter than 5 * block length so it is padded.

I want to construct a message that is not T but has the same MAC M.

Most other questions I have seen are done over either 1-block or 2-block messages.

After seeing other solutions I came up with my solution.

My solution is:

IV XOR T1 || T2 || T3 || T4 || (T5 || pad(T5)) || M XOR IV XOR T1 || T2 || T3 || T4 || T5 ||
Will this give out the original MAC M? If not, what have I done wrong?
And what is the way to do this attack over a message of length n? Is there a formula for that?

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