
Given the CBC-MAC for a message M and the key K, How could I forge a new message M' so that it has the same CBC-Mac as M

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Im looking to learn about forging CBC-Macs.

Given the CBC-Mac for a Message M and the Key used to encrypt the message K.

Can I create a new message M' which would have the same CBC-MAC?

Original Unknown Message: M

CBC-Mac of Original Unknown Message: X

Key used in CBC Block cipher: K

New message with CBC-Mac = X: M'

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' avatar
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Does this answer your question? [Insecurity of CBC-MAC](
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Can I create a new message M' which would have the same CBC-MAC?

Sure can.

On the other hand, you're learning, and I believe you learn better by figuring out it yourself, and so I'll just give a hint.

Suppose you selected an arbitrary string $A$ (which is a multiple of the block size in length), and an arbitrary string $B$; how could you find string $X$ (which is one block size in length) such that $CBC-MAC_k(A || X || B ) = Target$?

Hint: with CBC mode, you can compute things in the reverse direction - if you know the state after $i$ blocks, and you know the key and the previous message block, you can compute the state after $i-1$ blocks...

Tom Scott avatar
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Hey Poncho, Thanks for the help. Unfortunatly Im still a bit puzzled. So far I have figured out that I can get Cipher Text N - 2 XORed with Plain text N-1 by decrypting the MAC. Can you help me any further
poncho avatar
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@TomScott: so, how can you get ciphertext $N-2$ for a message that you selected?

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