Some assumptions of basic secret sharing (say Shamir) that may not be fulfilled in practice include:
Honest Dealer: This has to do with trusting a third party. Verifiable secret sharing was introduced [1] to ensure that even if the dealer is malicious there is a well-defined secret that the players can later reconstruct.
Honest Parties: It is easy to see that if a malicious participant (who holds a share) submits a false share while all the rest of the users submit correct shares, the malicious party can learn the secret and ensure the rest will not learn the secret.
Other wrinkles/improvements include (for example) computationally secure secret sharing [the Shamir scheme is information theoretically secure but less efficient] multi-secret sharing, space efficient secret sharing etc. The topic of secret sharing is within the broader topic of multiparty computation. You can easily find out more about these topics online.
- Chor, Benny; Goldwasser, Shafi; Micali, Silvio; Awerbuch, Baruch (1985). "Verifiable secret sharing and achieving simultaneity in the presence of faults". 26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (SFCS 1985): 383–395.