Edit: I misinterpreted the algebraic domain, but the answer can be adapted, see below.
The complexities exhibited are exponential, but reduced, and in applications such as hash functions, LWE, LPN where similar structures are used, these reduced complexities are of interest.
$H^\star$ is definitely insecure. Like most attacks on hash functions you will generate random inputs looking for collisions. Here let's consider addition modulo
$2^b-1,$ as you suggest.
If $n$ is small compared to $2^b,$ there are still shortcuts which reduce the complexity substantially. Here is an attack finding a collision on such a function. Given some desired hash output $H_0,$
assume we have a random set of $v=2^{b/n}$ hashes, of the form
$$H^\star(\{x_{1,i},\ldots,x_{n,i}\}),\quad i=1,\ldots,v\quad(1).$$
Since here are $v^n=2^b$ possible $n-$sums of the form (1) these sums we have assembled will will hit your $H_0$ with constant probability since the hash target space has size $2^{b}.$
Explanation: We have a finite domain, and balls in bins process with $2^b$ possible inputs.
If $n=2$ this would essentially be the birthday problem with complexity $O(2^{b/2}).$ By reduction to the case when $n=2^s$ is a power of 2, Wagner gave an $$O(2^{b/(1+s)}=O(2^{b/(1+\lceil \log n\rceil)})$$ recursive solution for the case of XOR but this can be adapted to any finite group, including addition modulo $2^b-1.$ See also chapter 8 of the book Algorithmic Cryptanalysis by Antoine Joux.