A pseudorandom correlation generator for bilinear correlation (namely, $x_0 \otimes x_1 = z_0 + z_1$, where party $\sigma$ gets $x_\sigma, z_\sigma$) over some field $F$ works roughly as follows (based on Figure 14 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1035):
- Pick two random sparse vectors of weight $t$ $e_0, e_1 \gets F^n$. Let $f$ be such that $f(i) = (e_0 \otimes e_1)_i$
- Compute $(K_0, K_1) \gets MPFSS.Gen(f)$, i.e., generate two keys from the multi-point function secret sharing scheme.
- Output $(K_0, e_0), (K_1, e_1)$.
Eval($\sigma, (K_\sigma, e_\sigma)$):
- Compute $x_\sigma \gets H \cdot e_\sigma$, where $H$ is a parity check (compressing) matrix where the dual-LPN problem is hard.
- Compute $u_\sigma \gets MPFSS.FullEval(\sigma, K_\sigma)$.
- Output $(x_\sigma, (H \otimes H)\cdot u_\sigma)$.
The scheme is correct because $K_\sigma$ is essentially a compressed additive share of $e_0 \otimes e_1$.
My question is on the security of the scheme. In Theorem 10.2 (https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1035) it says the construction is secure for $\log_2 |F| = O(\lambda)$ where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. But I don't see where this requirement comes into play, assuming the Gen function is executed by a TTP. As far as I know, LPN works for small fields. And the MPFSS, assuming it's built from the DPF construction from https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/707, there are no restrictions on the field size.