1: Polynomial $t(x)$ is of degree the number of equations (constraints) of the R1CS system we are building a proof for.
Consider an R1CS system of $n$ equations.
The way groth16 works (Lagrange interpolation), $p(x)$ would of degree $2(n-1)$.
So the dividend $h(x)$ would be of degree $(n-2)$.
The real question is, how large is the R1CS system for a case like ZCash verification.
2: Factors of $t(x)$ are arbitrary field elements, plaintext, assigned for each R1CS equation.
There are secrets "mixed-in" polynomials $h()$ and $p()$,
so they only available for verifier as group elements (not as a plaintext).
To be more specific here, polynomials are effectively evaluated at a random point served as a challenge (called "toxic waste", probably to make it easy to understand).
3: To hide $h()$ and $p()$ from verifier,
pairing operation on elliptic curve is used,
so R1CS system is over a finite field of cardinality the group order.
They call it scalar field, hopefully easy to understand.
Selling Sudoku solution was presented at Financial Crypto 2016 Bitcoin workshop,
an extremely interested case of "easy" grade with snarks.
The scenario is selling a secret solution for a known staring position on bitcoin blockchain.
The problem is, both seller and buyer are at risk doing the first move:
if the seller sends his solution first nothing prevents the buyer from not responding at all.
And if the buyer sends his coins first, he might get some random bytes.
The problem was solved as a transaction of HTLC type (pay-to-script actually)
and a snark proof that
(1) a ciphertext was correctly produced from a secret Sudoku solution and a secret key;
(2) the solution above is valid for the initial position;
(3) the key was correctly hashed to some value the buyer would initiate HTLC with.
Basically, the seller can only spend this UTXO by providing the valid key,a hash pre-image.
The shameless part:
An alternative R1CS circuit verifying just Sudoku solution validity
was introduced starting from polynomial set representation,
presented at IEEE ATIT 2019.
A longer (more detailed) was submitted for ISCOPT 2019, in case you would read Russian:
Both conferences were cautious enough,
doing their best to avoid formally publishing that actually.
For an $N^2 \times N^2$ initial Sudoku position,
this R1CS system is roughly (asymptotically) $5 N^4$ equations,
so you could get $p()$ and $h()$ degrees.
The idea of verifying polynomials at a random point
(that helps to smile at "toxic waste" jargon)
was introduced for extending Schnorr proofs
into higher-degree polynomials in challenge of verifier: