We can make a valid analogy between solving $5^x \bmod 17 = 13$ and breaking Elliptic Curve cryptography on secp256k1:
- $x$ is a Private Key
- $13$ is the matching Public Key
- $17$ is the curve's parameters ($p$, $a$, $b$, $n$ in secp256k1 parameters)
- $5$ is the generator point ($G$ in these parameters)
The analogy extends to some of the computations involved in computing $17$ (Public Key) from the other inputs including $x$ (Private Key):
Computing $u\times v\bmod 17\mapsto w$ (modular multiplication) is Elliptic Curve point addition $U\hat+V\mapsto W$ (ECadd in this comment). But see the first qualitative difference below, which is why $\hat+$ is not (ordinary or modular) addition $+$. For details on what that does, lookup the math.
Computing $u^2\bmod17\mapsto w$ (modular squaring) is Elliptic Curve point doubling $U\hat+U\mapsto W$ (ECdouble), with the same caveats.
Computing $u^s\bmod 17\mapsto w$ is Elliptic Curve point multiplication by the integer $s$ (ECmultiply) which computes $s\hat\times U=\underbrace{U\hat+U\hat+\ldots\hat+U}_{s\text{ terms}}\mapsto W$. In this, $\hat\times$ is significantly different from (ordinary or modular) integer multiplication $\times$, in particular because $s\hat\times U$ combines two things of different nature, only one of which is an ordinary integer (much like when we consider 5 stones we are not multiplying integers, nor multiplying stones).
Organizing the computation of $u^s\bmod 17$ into a small number of modular squarings and multiplications is directly analogous to organizing $s\hat\times U$ (ECmultiply) into a small number of point doubling (ECdouble) and additions (ECadd). For example, to compute $u^9\bmod 17$ we can compute $u^2\bmod 17$ by modular squaring of $u$, then $u^4\bmod 17$ by modular squaring of the previous result, then $u^8\bmod 17$ by modular squaring of the previous result, then $u^9\bmod 17$ by modular multiplication of the previous result by $u$. Similarly, we can compute $9\hat\times U$ with three ECdouble to get $2\hat\times U$, $4\hat\times U$, $8\hat\times U$, then one ECadd to get $9\hat\times U$.
Note: my use of $\hat+$ and $\hat\times$ for Elliptic Curve addition and (scalar) multiplication is not standard. More often it's used $+$ and $\times$, with several variations for the later, including $\cdot$ and omission. I hope that a visibly distinguishable notation avoids confusion when getting introduced to Elliptic Curve arithmetic.
Beyond these analogies there are huge differences:
- Qualitative, which could make the question's method inapplicable:
- The group in which $5^x \bmod 17 = 13$ operates is the multiplicative group of a prime field. The secp256k1 group is an Elliptic Curve (group) over a prime field. And we know methods to solve the Discrete Logarithm Problem for multiplicative groups that do not work for other kinds of group. To illustrate the importance of that, we know methods that solve the DLP in practice for any multiplicative group up to size of about 240 decimal digits, when we know nothing practical above about 58 decimal digits for general groups.
- The order (number of elements) of the group in the question's example is 16, which only has small factors, when the order of secp256k1 is prime. Similarly, there are algorithms that work only for groups with order having only small prime factors, that are inapplicable to groups of prime order.
- Quantitative, which could make the question's method hopelessly slow: secp256k1 involves integers up to 78 decimal digits (versus, generously, 2 in the question's example), and the difficulty of solving the DLP in groups built as secp256k1 by available computing means is believed to grow roughly as $10^{d/2}$ where $d$ is the number of decimal digits in the integers involved. $10^{38}$ times more difficult is a helluva of a quantitative difference. For comparison, $10^{26}$ drop of water is more than the oceans contain.
The above differences are why the hypothetical "solved the Discrete Logarithm problem" in the question is a far cry from allowing to "arrange values of Elliptic Curve secp256k1 in a reverse form so that [we] can calculate a private key from a public key".
If a gigantic Public Key can be generated from another gigantic private key with gigantic dots on finite field and it is being done with a 20kb program and within few seconds, why [can't it] be done otherwise?
Solving the DLP is not performing that calculation of Public Key from Private Key "otherwise". It's computing the Private Key from the Public Key, that is performing the reverse computation.
That a reverse computation is much harder than the original is far from unique in math. For example, given two large haphazard primes $p$ and $q$ with $p<q$ (Private Key), performing the ordinary multiplication $p\times q\mapsto n$ (Public Key) is reasonably easy (with pen an paper it can be done up to many dozens of digits using the standard schoolbook algorithm; try it with $84991\times91541$). But finding $p$ or $q$ from $n$ (computing Private Key from Public Key) requires much more effort (try it with $7744548971$). As far as we know, the gap between the two tasks grows fast with the size of $p$. Modern RSA public key cryptography is based on the assumption that finding $p$ or $q$ from $n$ is unfeasible even with powerful computers when $p$ is $300$ decimal digits or more.
ECC public key cryptography with secp256k1 is based on the assumption that computing Private Key $x$ from Public Key $x\hat\times G$ where $\hat \times$ is computed per the parameters of secp256k1, and $G$ is the generator, has difficulty growing about as $10^{d/2}$ where $1\le d<78$ is the number of decimal digits in $x$. And that such computation is infeasible for $x$ about $77$ digits.