
Does Index calculus work on secp256k1?

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Does Index calculus work on secp256k1?

I did a search but couldn't find answers, Can I use Index calculus to find private key of the elliptic curve secp256k1?

Daniel S avatar
ru flag
No it does not.
et flag
Index Calculus uses smooth numbers in ${F^*}_p$. Elliptic Curve groups do not have a straightforward notion of smoothness & hence Index Calculus does not work in Elliptic Curve groups.
ng flag

No. Index calculus algorithms are more efficient algorithms that make special use of the structure of $(\mathbb{F}_p^\times, \times)$ to solve the discrete logarithm problem in these groups (there are also applications to factoring). This is to say that they do not only use the API of a group, and instead use the special details of the "implementation" of this group.

Algorithms that only use the API of a group are called generic, and discrete log problems in any group are vulnerable to them. For certain groups these generic algorithms are the best (known) algorithms. Elliptic curve groups are the most common class of (thought to be) generic groups used in cryptography.

fgrieu avatar
ng flag
Subtitle: this answer's $(\mathbb{F}_p^\times, \times)$ is the [multiplicative group modulo]( $p$, sometime also noted $\mathbb Z_p^*$ or $(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z,*)$.
Geoffroy Couteau avatar
cn flag
Nitpicking, but not all elliptic curve groups are thought to be as hard to attack as generic groups. For example, when a pairing is available, the MOV attack can effectively reduce solving DLOG over the curve to solving DLOG over (the multiplicative subgroup of) a field. Hence, some elliptic curves can actually be attacked by a variant of index calculus (more precisely, MOV + index calculus).
et flag
The structure used in Index Calculus is the notion of smooth numbers in ${F^*}_p$, right?. Elliptic Curve groups do not have a straightforward notion of smoothness & hence Index Calculus does not work in Elliptic Curve groups.
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