
NIST statistical tests

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I'm having trouble testing a not-so-popular algorithm that I haven't found an implementation of, so I wrote it myself and now I'd like to test it with nist tests, but I have a suspicion that I'm doing something wrong.

I got encrypted file with ~10,000,000 bits. I tested my algorithm in the following wayю. I set the input parameter to 1,000,000, it will look like: /assess 1000000, then the amount of bitstreams i put 10: How many bitstreams? 10. Then i chose to test my file as binary, since every symbol in my file is a char, which contains 8 bits:

    [0] ASCII - A sequence of ASCII 0's and 1's
    [1] Binary - Each byte in data file contains 8 bits of data

   Select input mode:  1

I want to know if I'm doing everything right. And what will be the changes if I set the input parameter to 10,000 and the number of bitstreams to 1000?

Thank you for your help!

Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
In hindsight you're probably talking about an encryption algorithm? You haven't specified anything other than "encrypted file" when it comes to the algorithm so I initially tagged it for a PRNG, but that's probably wrong. Please add details & retag.
wxist avatar
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@MaartenBodewes I have an encryption algorithm. By using algorithm i try to encrypt file with a lot of texts. After the work of my algorithm, I get a file with ciphertext at the output. Since i want to test my algorithm for nist statistical tests i provide encrypted file
Paul Uszak avatar
cn flag
Yes, you're doing it right :-) and welcome wxist. So, if you're uncertain of the input, what about the output? Post it please...
Paul Uszak avatar
cn flag
1000 bitstreams will not tell you anything.
wxist avatar
tr flag
@PaulUszak i got another question about output of NIST statistical tests, it would be great if you check it out
fgrieu avatar
ng flag
I closed the question because the OP posted another a [more detailed version](
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