A signature system applies textbook RSA to a $b$-bit hash of the message. What's the cost (preferably, as CPU time on common hardware) of existential forgery assuming known signature of $r$ random messages? How much is that reduced if public exponent is very small ($e\le7$)?
We assume
- Safe RSA public key $(n,e)$ and matching secret private key $(n,d)$ with $n$ of $\ell$ bits and $2048\le\ell\le8192$.
- Ideal hash $H:\{0,1\}^*\to[0,2^b)$ with $b\in[128,512]$ large enough that $H$ is preimage-resistant.
- Signature $s$ of message $m$ is computed as $s=H(m)^d\bmod n$.
- Message/signature pair $(m,s)$ is accepted iff $H(m)=s^e\bmod n$.
- The adversary has obtained $r$ valid $(m_i,s_i)$ pairs for some $r\in[2^{16},2^{64}]$ and random $m_i$. $r\ll2^{b/2}$ thus the $s_i$ are assumed distinct.
- The adversary succeeds by exhibiting an acceptable $(m,s)$ pair with $s$ not among the $s_i$. The adversary would additionally succeed by exhibiting an acceptable $(m,s_i)$ pair with $m\ne m_i$; but since the hash is preimage-resistant and RSA is a bijection, we can discount that possibility; and that reduces the interest of the $m_i$ for the attacker to a mere alternative method to compute ${s_i}^e\bmod n$.
This is grounds for the Desmedt and Odlyzko attack. In it's basic form independent of $e$, that attack computes and factors $h_i={s_i}^e\bmod n$, then repeatedly hashes incremental $m$ such that $H(m)$ has all it's factors appearing in the factorizations of the $s_i$, and further such that $H(m)=\prod{h_i}^{z_i}$ with $z_i\in\mathbb Z$ has a solution. This reduces to a linear system of equations, and yields the signature of $m$ as $s=(\prod{s_i}^{z_i}\bmod n)\bmod n$. However, contrary to some of the literature in this answer, it's not assumed signature of chosen messages, thus $r$ is a hard limit; and I'd want some quantitative cost as a function of parameters $b$, $r$, and $e$ inasmuch that matters.
Motivation: an attack with $b=256$ would allow signing an unconstrained plaintext given $r$ signatures in this proposed signature system. Our message is their $k$, and our $H$ combines AES-GCM of their plaintext under $k$, SHA-256 of their ciphertext, and XOR with $k$.