
Matrix parsing in kyber

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In the Kyber specification the parse function (algorithm 1 on page 6) takes as input a non-terminating byte stream. Although unlikely, an unlimited number of bytes from this stream can be used in this function.

In Kyber.CPAPKE.KeyGen (algorithm 4 on page 8) the parse function is called on line 6 using the output of an extensible output function for the byte stream. On page 11 it is stated that SHAKE-128 is used to instantiate this extensible output function.

The NIST FIPS-202 specification of SHAKE-128 in section 6.2 requires that the function be given an output size before output is generated. How can SHAKE-128 be used to generate the (possibly non-terminating) bytes stream of indeterminate length required by the parse function?

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How can $\operatorname{SHAKE-128}$ be used to generate the (possibly non-terminating) bytes stream of indeterminate length required by the parse function?

$\operatorname{SHAKE-128}$ has the property that for any message $M$ and any output lengths $d$ and $d'$ with $d<d'$, $\operatorname{SHAKE-128}(M,d)$ is the beginning of $\operatorname{SHAKE-128}(M,d')$.

The internal structure of $\operatorname{Keccak}$ and it's extension to $\operatorname{SHAKE-128}$ makes it possible to make all the computations involving $M$, then an output of length $d$, then dynamically extend the output to whatever $d'>d$ without redoing any of the previous sponge rounds already performed.

Granted, not all APIs to $\operatorname{SHAKE-128}$ allow that. E.g. I don't see how to reuse Python's shake_128 to ask for more output without causing some duplicate work. We don't need to rehash $M$, but we need to recompute the whole output.

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