I am going through Dan Boneh's video on PLONK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbpPCN-f_XA&t=952s
At around 19 minutes, he gets to the Prod Check Gadget.
$\omega \in F_p$ is the primitive $k$th root of unity (i.e. $\omega^{k} = 1$)
$\Omega = \{1, \omega, \omega^{2}, ..., \omega^{k-1}\}$
Then he sets $t \in {F_p}^{(\le k)}[X]$ to be the degree-$k$ polynomial such that
$t(1) = f(1)$ and $t(\omega^s) = \prod_{i=0}^s f(\omega^i)$ for $s = 1, ..., k-1$.
$t(\omega) = f(1)\cdot f(\omega)$
$t(\omega^2) = f(1)\cdot f(\omega)\cdot f(\omega^2)$
$t(\omega^{k-1})= f(1)\cdot f(\omega)\cdot f(\omega^2)\dots f(\omega^{k-2})\cdot f(\omega^{k-1})$
In the next slide, he says that the Prover should construct the polynomial $t(X) \in {F_p}^{(\le k)}$ & he will use this polynomial $t(X)$ for the proof.
I am confused as to how do I construct a recursive polynomial like $t(X)$.
I know how to calculate the value of $t(X)$ for any value of $X \in \Omega$ - that's pretty simple.
i.e. if I want to calculate $t(\omega^3)$, it can be calculated as
$t(\omega^3) = f(1) \cdot f(\omega) \cdot f(\omega^2) \cdot f(\omega^3)$
However, how do I construct a univariate polynomial $t$ in a way that the Prover can send a commitment of this polynomial to the Verifier?
Let's say my $f$ polynomial is
$f(X) = 3X^2 + 4X + 7$
How do I go from here to constructing $t(X)$?