
How to force openssl/s_client to send a keyshare for the specific elliptic curve (secp256r1)?

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I want to test my server application (TLS 1.3) using s_client program from the openssl library and I need to get from the s_client a keyshare in the 1st ClientHello for secp256r1 (it proposes x25519 now).
Could you tell me, which command line options in s_client should I use ?

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Use -curves or (synonym) -groups to specify all 'supported' groups, with the one you want offered in key_share FIRST, e.g. -curves secp256r1:secp384r1:X25519.

LUN avatar
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@dave_thomson_085, thank you very much - it helped! By the way, could you tell me - is server certificate sending a mandatory step in TLS 1.3 handshaking ? Or it can be skipped ?
dave_thompson_085 avatar
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LUN: that's a different question, and not really crypto, but yes server cert is mandatory in 1.3 except when using PSK which in practice means except for 'resumption'; see 2nd para of [rfc8446 4.4.2](

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