My layman's understanding is as follows. Module-LWE is a generalization of Ring-LWE, i.e., if you can solve Module-LWE, then you can also solve Ring-LWE. More specifically, Ring-LWE is Module-LWE with a module of rank 1.
However, there is also a reduction in the opposite direction while assuming different modulus parameters -
AFAIK there is no definite proof that Module-LWE is strictly harder than Ring-LWE assuming same modulus (and other parameters) but it "seems like" that is the case? Bernstein goes in depth about this issue in (specifically chapter 5)
This discussion in the pqc-forum is also interesting and might answer the question, specifically, Damien Stehlé's response
TLDR; Module-LWE is at least as hard as Ring-LWE assuming the same parameters, therefore, it is preferred to (more efficient) Ring-LWE because the cost difference is not "that big".
As I said, I am not expert on lattice cryptography so I hope I am not misinterpreting what I have read :`), feel free to correct me.