
Pedersen Hash : when truncating the hash to keep only the X coordinate, is it possible to compute a collision when the Babyjubjub curve is used?

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The Pedersen hash is a low constraints friendly hash for Zk-Snarks.
Unlike many algorithms, the Pedersen hash returns a point P = (x,y) on a curve as a hash. Depending on the selected curve, there can exist a fast deterministic way to compute a different input that yields −P=(x,−y) using the Weierstrass form.

As a result, if software chooses to truncate a hash to its first half, and if the attacker controls the fixed length input, then there’s the possibility to compute 2 inputs that will yield the same truncated hash.

But can this situation happen if the Pedersen is implemented over the BabyJubJub curve ? Also, are there inputs that can yield special values on the curve such as −INF or 0 at least for x or does it behave like more conventional hashing algorithms ? Even in the Edwards form, can it still works defeat a === constraint (x is equal to −x) as circom and Groth16 is mainly about modulos ?
And if yes, how exactly this can be computed in practice in that case ?

The definition of the hash in the case of that specific curve is here.

user2284570 avatar
in flag
The implementation I’m talking about is [here](, and the size of the attacker controlled message is fixed to 505bits.
rozbb avatar
br flag
That impl appears to be returning both coordinates. Would this attack be for a different, weakened system?
user2284570 avatar
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@rozbb the software behind it takes only `out[0]` and discard `out[1]` which is `y`. But this could be a design choice since the chosen `JubJub` curve might ensure security even in that case.
br flag

Update: I believe this does not degrade security

Summary: For reasonable choice of basis for the Pedersen hash $\mathsf{PH}$, it is the case that $$ \mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a)) = \mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a')) \implies \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a) = \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a'). $$ In other words, dropping the y-coordinate doesn't give you any advantage in finding collisions.

First, some math. What happens algebraically when you flip the y-coordinate of a Twisted Edwards curve? Recall the addition law for a curve of the form $ax^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2$:

$$ (x_1, y_1) + (x_2, y_2) = \left( \frac{x_1y_2 + y_1x_2}{1 + dx_1x_2y_1y_2}, \frac{y_1y_2 - ax_1x_2}{1 - dx_1x_2y_1y_2} \right). $$

Let $g(H)$ map a curve point $H = (x,y)$ to its x-reflection $(x, -y)$. Observe that, for any $H$, $$ H + g(H) = (x, y) + (x, -y) = \left( \frac{xy - yx}{1 + dx^2y^2}, \frac{y^2 - ax^2}{1 - dx^2y^2} \right) = (0,-1) =: Q. $$ Thus, $g(H) = Q - H$ for all $H$. Also note, $Q$ has order 2, i.e., $Q + Q = \mathcal{O}$.

This is helpful for our characterization of collisions. Since the curve intersects any vertical line in at most two points, we have that for any two curve points $H \neq H'$, $$ \mathsf{xcoord}(H) = \mathsf{xcoord}(H') \iff H = g(H') \iff H = Q - H'. $$

What happens if we try to get an "easy" hash collision, i.e., getting a collision in the x-coordinate but not the y-coordinate? Let $\mathsf{PH}$ denote Pedersen hash function, mapping $k$ scalars $a_1, \ldots, a_k \in \mathbb F$ to $a_1 G_1 + \ldots + a_kG_k$, where $\{G_i\}$ denotes the Pedersen basis. An "easy" collision occurs with inputs $\mathbf{a}, \mathbf a'$ when $\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a) \neq \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a')$, and \begin{align*} &\mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a)) = \mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a')) \\&\iff \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a) = Q - \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a') \\&\iff {\textstyle\sum} a_iG_i = Q - {\textstyle\sum} a'_iG_i \\&\iff {\textstyle\sum} (a_i + a'_i)G_i = Q. \end{align*}

For certain choices of Pedersen basis $\{G_i\}$, this is a contradiction! If you select each $G_i$ from the large prime-order subgroup (a reasonable thing to do, since torsion is a headache in many protocols anyway), then you have that the LHS of the last equality is in the subgroup and the RHS is not. So if $(x,y)$ is an output of a $\mathsf{PH}$ with this kind of basis, then $(x, -y)$ cannot be an output of $\mathsf{PH}$.

Thus, the only way you can get an x-coordinate collision $\mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a)) = \mathsf{xcoord}(\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a'))$ is to get a real collision $\mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a) = \mathsf{PH}(\mathbf a')$

Old Answer (ignore)

Outputting only the x-coordinate makes it trivial to find a collision.

Let $G_1, G_2, \ldots, G_k \in \mathbb G$ represent the Pedersen basis. The input to the Pedersen hash function $\mathsf H$ is $k$ scalars $a_1, \ldots, a_k \in \mathbb F$ and is mapped to the x-coordinate of $a_1G_1 + \ldots a_kG_k$.

Recall for any elliptic curve point $H = (x,y)$, it is the case that $-H = (x, -y)$. In other words, you get the negative by reflecting across the x-axis. The upshot is that for all $H$, $\mathsf{xcoord}(H) = \mathsf{xcoord}(-H)$.

Applying this to Pedersen, we get a collision: $$ \mathsf H(a_1, \ldots, a_k) = \mathsf{xcoord}(a_1G_1 + \ldots a_kG_k) = \mathsf{xcoord}(-(a_1G_1 + \ldots a_kG_k)) = \mathsf H(-a_1, \ldots, -a_k) $$

Daniel S avatar
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the Jujube curve is a curve in Edwards form where the inverse $(x,y)$ is $(-x,y)$.
user2284570 avatar
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@DanielS so his answer is wrong?
Daniel S avatar
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@user2284570 I can't see a way to apply their argument to the Edwards curve case.
rozbb avatar
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Oh I apologize I misread the question. I think this is secure. I will post my thoughts tonight

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