
Special indistinguishability problem

ng flag

I need some help for the following simple game:

An adversary is given a multiplicative group $\mathbb{G}$ and the 4-tuple $(g_1, g_2, g_3, g_1^a \cdot g_2^b \cdot g_3^c)$ where $g_1$, $g_2$ and $g_3$ are random elements from $\mathbb{G}$, and $a$, $b$ $c$ are hidden.

During the challenge phase, the adversary either receives:

  • Case $b=1$: $(g_4, g_5, g_6, g_4^a \cdot g_5^b \cdot g_6^c)$,
  • Or case $b=0$: $(g_4, g_5, g_6, Z)$ where $g_4$, $g_5$, $g_6$ and $Z$ are random elements from $\mathbb{G}$.

The goal is to distinguish if $b=0$ or $b=1$.

My questions are the following:

  1. This problem does not seem to be related to DLin nor DDH, but seems hard if the number of elements in the product is large. Do you think this problem is hard?

  2. Do you know a problem related to it?

Thank you

Don Freecs avatar
sz flag
what is DLin problem?
Adam54 avatar
ng flag
Adam54 avatar
ng flag
@DonFreecs you have two distributions $D_{1}=(u,\,v,\,h,\,u^{a},\,v^{b},\,h^{a+b})$ and $D_{2}=(u,\,v,\,h,\,u^{a},\,v^{b},\,\eta )$ where $\eta$ is randomly drawn. The DLIN assumption is that $D_1$ and $D_2$ are computationally indistinguishable.
ru flag

If $g_4$, $g_5$ and $g_6$ generate $\mathbb G$ (as is usually the case in cryptography) and the exponents are uniformly generated at random modulo the group order then the problem is impossible because the distribution of $g_4^ag_5^bg_6^c$ precisely matches that of $Z$.

If they do not generate $\mathbb G$ then the problem is easy to solve with advantage if we can test the corresponding element of $Z$ for membership of the subgroup generated by the elements. We can do this test for typical cryptographic groups of known order, but there are cases, for example multiplicative groups modulo an RSA number, where testing for subgroup membership is believed to be hard (specifically it will correspond to a residuacity problem).

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