
Diffie-Hellman key exchange for $n + 1$ parties

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Suppose that there are $n+1$ parties - $B,A_1,A_2,...,A_n$ that want to share a secret key

The protocol of exchanging is roughly the same as Diffe-Hellman

Chose a group $G$ with an order of $p$ - a prime number and a generator element $g$

  • Each $A_i$ generates a random number $a_i \in \{1,...,p\}$ and send $B$ the value $X_i \leftarrow g^{a_i} $
  • B generates a random number $b \in \{1,...,p\}$ and send each $A_i$ the value $Y_i \leftarrow X_i^b$

The shared key of the group is $g^b$

It is obvious that $B$ can calculate this key.

How can each $A_i$ calculate the shared key ?

I tried finding the inverse $a_i^{-1}$ of $a_i$ in mod $p$ and then taking both sides of $Y_i=g^{a_ib}$ to the power of $a_i^{-1}$ but when I plug in real numbers, it does not seem right.

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The method in the (revised) question is (mostly†) OK. That is, $A_i$ calculates the shared key as $Y_i^{a_i^{-1}\bmod p}$, where the exponentiation is in the group $G$ of order $p$. And (assuming no alteration of messages) every party including $B$ gets the same shared key, because $$\begin{align} Y_i^{a_i^{-1}\bmod p}&={X_i}^{b\,(a_i^{-1}\bmod p)}\\ &=g^{a_i\,(b\,(a_i^{-1}\bmod p))}\\ &=g^{b\,(a_i\,(a_i^{-1}\bmod p))}\\ &=g^{b\,(k\,p+1)}&&\text{for some }k\in\mathbb Z\\ &=g^{p\,k\,b+b}\\ &=(g^p)^{k\,b}\,g^b\\ &=1^{k\,b}\,g^b&&\text{because the order of }g\text{ is }p\\ &=g^b \end{align} $$

Given that the initial question used two primes, it's possible that a confusion is made between a prime modulus $n$ used to compute in the group $G$, and the prime order $p$ (formerly $q$) of group $G$ and it's generator $g$. That would explain why numerical experiments fail.

Among many others, our options include:

  1. Making $G$ an unspecified abstract group of order $p$, and not making numerical experiments.
  2. Making $G$ the subgroup of quadratic residues of $\mathbb Z_n^*$ for $n$ a safe prime, which has prime order $p$ the matching Sophie Germain prime with $p=(n-1)/2$. A toy (unsafe) example is $n=83$, $p=41$. An actual example of such group is the 2048-bit MODP group of RFC 3526.
  3. Making $G$ a Schnorr group, that is a subgroup $G$ of prime order $p$ of $\mathbb Z_n^*$. Then $p$ must be a prime divisor of $n-1$. This extends the above, allowing smaller $p$ thus faster operation. An actual example of such group is the 2048-bit MODP group with 256-bit prime order subgroup of RFC 5114.
  4. Using an elliptic curve of prime order $n$ on the prime field $\mathbb F_n$. An actual example would be secp256r1 (except using the $p$ there as our $n$ and the $n$ there as our $p$), with the group operation described in sec1.

It fails when one of the $a_i$ is $p$, but that has vanishing probability $1-(1-1/p)^n$.

Kain avatar
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Its my bad I mistyped p and q
fgrieu avatar
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@Kain: I have updated the answer to match the modified question and detail the computation in a proof of correctness. Make sure to refresh the page.
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