No. Any byte value should have about the same probability, assuming a uniform distribution. If some kind of value, including a "null" byte with all the bits set to zero, is absent then you'd really be in trouble. Assuming a good distribution you'd have a 1/256 chance of hitting a "null" byte and then again a 1/256 chance of hitting another one.
As these bytes can be generated anywhere an attacker won't learn anything about the plaintext. Maybe you'd suspect that an adversary would be able to get some information if a pattern can be discerned. But remember that the XOR of a random byte in the key stream with another plaintext byte can generate the same pattern - or any other pattern for that matter.
If no zero bytes could be generated then you will actually leak data. For any byte that you'd find, you'd know that the plaintext message does not have that same value in that particular location. A non-zero byte in the key stream will always change the value after XOR after all.
If you want to test the distribution of your random number generator then you'd need to use a set of tests specifically designed for that such as the Diehard tests and derivatives. Beware that this won't indicate if the random number generator is secure, it can only indicate issues with the distribution.