From the PLONK paper.
On page 19 & ahead, the permutation check is described.
In particular, on page 20, the protocol is described.
Step 5 of the check is described as
Verifier checks if for all $a \in H$
a) $L_1(a) (Z(a) -1) = 0$
b) $Z(a) f'(a) = g'(a) Z(a\cdot g)$
However, in the actual Round where (I think) this check is implemented (Round 2 on Page 28), this is how the polynomial is created
$z(X) = (b_7X2 + b_8X + b_9)Z_H(X ) + L_1(X) + \prod_{i=1}^{n−1}L_{i+1}(X)\prod_{j=1}^{i} \frac {(\omega_j +\beta \omega^j +\gamma)(\omega_{n+j} +\beta k_1 \omega^j +\gamma)(\omega_{2n+j} +\beta k_2 \omega^j +\gamma)}{(\omega_j +\sigma^*(j)\beta \omega^j +\gamma)(\omega_{n+j} +\sigma^*(n+j)\beta k_1 \omega^j +\gamma)(\omega_{2n+j} +\sigma^*(2n+j)\beta k_2 \omega^j +\gamma)}$
I understand the $b_7, b_8$ etc term multiplied with $Z_H$ so I will remove it for simplification. Also, again for simplification I will denote the numerator polynomial as $f'$ & the denominator as $g'$. So this is the permutation polynomial
$z(X) = \textbf{L_1(X)} + \prod_{i=1}^{n−1}L_{i+1}(X)\prod_{j=1}^{i} \frac {f'}{g'}$
I don't understand the leading $L_1(X)$ which is added at the beginning? Why is the first Lagrange Base added to $z(X)$? Can someone who understood this explain this? As per section 5, shouldn't $L_1(X)$ be multiplied?