I'm struggling to find good resources/tutorials on the libraries to develop MPC for blockchain. In contrast, there is a lot of resources on SNARK libraries.
My scenario is that I need to perform some MPC that eventually need to be recorded on-chain. I am starting from GMW/BMR and have a simple circuit constructed on paper. I'm looking for a tool to take this circuit and coordinate the parties to execute it. (or even better that it can translate program into such circuit.)
Because the method I am using is only safe against semi-honest adversaries, I plan to add SNARKs to each execution step to make it actively secure. This adds a lot more overhead to the implementation. (I'm thinking about executing the whole circuit off-chain with SNARKs and then validate the SNARKS on-chain. Because there are so many SNARKs to validate, I'm looking into ways to compress the SNARKs like recursive SNARK?)
Overall, this is a pretty daunting implementation project even though the logic to be computed by the MPC is pretty simple. I think there should be some library to help with such task as it is a pretty general need. I found https://github.com/data61/MP-SPDZ but I'm not sure if it is the right tool to use. (is it easy to integrate on-chain? some of its mechanism are actively secure but do they constrains the number of parties? etc.)
I'd really appreciate it if people can give me some pointers on the libraries / resources that I should focus on. Thanks!