Edit: One half of the answer to this question also applies to a recently asked and now deleted question regarding the impact of an algorithm which breaks DLP over integers but has no impact on factoring. It would be tricky to go pure RSA.
This is a question based on hypothetical scenarios, please bear with me.
Consider the two widely implemented (in the real world) public key cryptosystems (PKC), RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
What is the relative penetration of the two approaches to PKC [I am being vague, and it is enough for the answer to be based on rough estimates]. I guess I am asking for a high level statistical summary of real world cryptography from the point of view of PKC.
Scenario 1:
If there was a non-Quantum break of RSA tomorrow with a practical (choose whatever population you wish that are able to implement the attack but do not include just nation states, so maybe large industrial companies as well) attack, what estimated percentage of systems would be affected?
What estimated percentage of such systems already have Elliptic Curve based PKC built in? What estimated percentage of such systems could be converted into Elliptic Curve based PKC?
Note 0: A quantum computing breakthrough would impact both, that's not what I am asking about.
Note 1: I don't really know but have a hunch that there are quite a few places where RSA is used but Elliptic Curve based crypto is not implemented.
Scenario 2:
If there was a non-Quantum break of Elliptic Curve Cryptography tomorrow with a practical (choose whatever population you wish that are able to factor but do not include just nation states, so maybe large industrial giants as well) attack, what estimated percentage of systems would be affected?
What estimated percentage of such systems already have RSA based PKC built in? What estimated percentage of such systems could be converted into RSA based PKC?
Note 2: I estimate that for constrained systems, there are scenarios where RSA is not practical.
Generic Question:
In both cases, for significant systems without the post-break secure PKC, how long do you estimate it would take for such PKC to be rolled out?
Any comments, pointers to resources appreciated.
has no impact on factoring.