Sure, you can build something like this using lattices.
The high level idea is to note that a LWE sample
$$(A, A\vec s + \vec e)$$
gives you a (pseudorandom) encryption of 0.
We can therefore combine two LWE samples to get
$$(A_0, A_1, A_0\vec s_0 + \vec e_0 + A_1\vec s_1 + \vec e_1)$$
as a pseudorandom encryption of 0.
To decrypt you will have to remove both $A_0\vec s_0$ and $A_1\vec s_1$, and this can be done in any order.
To have it be a useful cryptosystem we will also have to include a message, but this is standard, and I'll do it below.
Define the cryptosystem to be the triple of algorithms:
KeyGen: Samples $\vec s_0, \vec s_1\gets\mathbb{Z}_q^n$ uniformly and independently
- Sample $A_0, A_1\gets \mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times n}$ uniformly and independently.
- Sample $\vec e_0,\vec e_1\gets \chi_\sigma^n$ from a "small" distribution (here, Discrete Gaussian of parameter $\sigma$. You could also do it from $[-n, n]^n\cap\mathbb{Z}^n$ uniformly if you want implementation simplicity).
- Return $(A_0, A_1, A_0\vec s_0 + A_1\vec s_1 + \vec e_0 + \vec e_1 + (q/2)\vec m)$, where $2\mid q$ by assumption, and $\vec m\in\{0,1\}^n$
$\mathsf{Dec}(A_0, A_1, \vec b)$:
- Compute $(q/2)\vec m + \vec e_0 + \vec e_1 := \vec b - A_0\vec s_0 - A_1\vec s_1$
- Round $(q/2)\vec m + \vec e_0 + \vec e_1\mapsto \left\lfloor \frac{(q/2)\vec m + \vec e_0 + \vec e_1}{q/2}\right\rceil$.
This will be correct provided $\lVert \vec e_0 + \vec e_1\rVert_\infty < \frac{q}{4}$.
If we are choosing $\vec e_i\gets [-n,n]^n\cap\mathbb{Z}^n$, this will happen provided $q/4 > 2n$, i.e. $q > 8n$.
It is straightforward to prove security of the above under the LWE assumption.
Note that the other answers' point regarding secret-sharing is (mostly) true.
You can (essentially) view this as a Threshold Encryption scheme built from the linearly homomorphic encryption underlying LWE using a secret-sharing of $\vec s := \vec s_0 + \vec s_1$.
There are additional nuances in this Threshold Encryption scheme that make showing security a little more involved though.