
How do I apply patches from a merge request?

br flag

I used the patch #48 of Views exposed sort identifiers are not configurable. I need to update the core, and apply the latest rebased version of that.

However, the issue hasn't be marked Fixed, and I don't see any "patch file" to link in my composer.json.

How can achieve this?

fr flag

If you look into the Issue queue you can see MR #54 is the latest code change.

MR #54

Go to the URL of the MR and add .patch at the end of the URL you will get the path to the latest patch.

URL for your latest patch is #54

cn flag
There are two different URL's for the merge request and they both produce the diff for composer. e.g. and
mbomb007 avatar
nl flag
**Important Note:** If someone commits to a merge request after you have included the patch, their changes will automatically be added to your codebase when you run `composer install`. The patch file is not guaranteed to stay the same or always work.

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