
Format of callback arguments in YAML files

ke flag

For instance, for the Filter module, in filter.permissions.yml, custom permissions are defined:

  - Drupal\filter\FilterPermissions::permissions

That looks like a static function, but it isn't. How does that work? Is the format for this kind of callback argument documented or defined anywhere?

ke flag

I believe that this is a Symfony format. I can't find it in the documentation, but this talks about it

I found the code (or some code) in

The Symfony Controller code explodes the string around the '::' into $class and $method and figures out if it's $classobject->$method() or $class::$method().

de flag

Documentation is here:

If your module needs to define dynamic permissions you can use the permission_callbacks key to declare a callable that will return an array of permissions, keyed by machine name. Each item in the array can contain the same keys as an entry in $module.permissions.yml.

ke flag
Permissions are just an example
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Then your question is not clear, as I answered what you asked.

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