
How to replace the default page and tab of profiles in the user account?

in flag

I installed the "Profile" module on my "Drupal 9" website. When I create a profile type, the module automatically creates a tab in the user account for each profile type.

For my profile type "projects" the user account tab displays the page for this profile type, with this path :


Here is the view added by the module :

enter image description here

Here are the tabs created in the user account :

enter image description here

I created a Views page with the following path to replace the default "Profile" module page for my "projects" profile type :

enter image description here

You have to click on "Projet" to display the profiles :

enter image description here

The problem is that with my custom page, the tabs disappear. How to replace the default page and keep the tabs ? I want the page to display with the default tab.

I need to create my own Views for each type of profile.

mx flag
What's your Menu and Path configuration?
steevee666 avatar
in flag
@prkos Here is the configuration of my Views and it sempbel correct, but the tabs do not appear and
mx flag
You should update the question with new info, it's hard to find them in the comments. It seems you have your path set to a wrong level of tabs, since this isn't the default tab you don't need the `/list` part. You may also need to adjust the Parent if the Path fix doesn't work, set it to a User profile menu item, not the top level of User menu.
steevee666 avatar
in flag
@prkos I haven't found the solution. I updated my question.

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