
Managed_file with table of uploaded files

lc flag

Adding a file field to a custom node type results in a nice UI with a table appearing for all uploaded files, with a Remove button for each. But simply adding a managed_file to our own forms, eg:

$form['attachments'] = [
  '#type' => 'managed_file',
  '#title' => t('Attachments'),
  '#description' => $descriptions,
  '#upload_validators' => $validators,
  '#upload_location' => $this->get_upload_location(),
  '#multiple' => TRUE,

displays another UI that, while functionally equivalent, is less desirable (a list of the files, with a checkbox for each, and one common Remove selected button).

The table comes from template_preprocess_file_widget_multiple() but I find no real way to force my form widget to use this UI, neither by specifying #theme or trying to force the file_generic widget. Which crucial step am I missing?


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