
How can the Webform element Form display defaults be set?

cn flag

Every webform element has a little section like this:

Form display section with Title display, Description display, and Help display all set to " - Default -"

Where can one set these defaults, for Title display location, Description display location, and Help display location?

It does not appear to be in any of the webform overall settings or webform specific settings.

If it's the default for the element type, is there a programmatic way to override the default (but not if set for an individual element)?

Doesn't matter much whether setting or overriding this default on a sitewide or webform-specific level, just want the ability to switch Title display from "Inline" to "Before" for all the elements on a form, as design requests change, without having to edit all individually.

ru flag
Export the config, edit all the `webform.FORMNAME.yml` files in your `config/sync` directory, re-import the config. Your favourite IDE will happily search-and-replace them all in one shot. (Before exporting, change one field to get the old and the new config values to be switchted.)
cn flag
Found the "Default description display" setting at /admin/structure/webform/config/elements which makes me think the lack of Default title display setting is an oversight— on my part or webform's!

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