
Geolocation Geometry (Geometry) field cannot be edited in taxonomy term

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I have a taxonomy type with Geolocation Geometry (Geometry) field type. I use custom Geolocation Geometry Lat/Lng to WKT widget (but the problem occurs with other widgets too).

The problem is that after filling in latitude and longitude and saving the taxonomy term I cannot change the field value anymore.

How to reproduce.

  1. Create a new taxonomy type with "Geolocation Geometry - Geometry" field type
  2. Add new term and fill in latitude and longitude, save
  3. Edit the term and fill in new values of latitude and longitude, save
  4. Check the values - they remain the same as were filled in in (2)

The problem does not occur when I add the same field type to a paragraph or content type.

Any advice about how to resolve this problem will be appreciated.

Sergey avatar
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I found the source of the problem. It turned out to be a custom patch for another module. The problem is resolved.

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