
How to programmatically load a View?

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I have created a View that I want to fetch the output from within a module. On, the latest recommendation seems to be

$entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->load(1)

So, this is my code.

/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager */
$view = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

It seems to be getting me very close - in debug, I'm seeing properties that clearly indicate I'm getting the object.

Am I on the right track and just missing one little piece? Loading a taxonomy term, or a node is easy. But this View thing is stumping me and I can't find anything much beyond the old Drupal 7 way of doing this.

Les Lim avatar
us flag
Getting the output of an entity is probably rendering the entity. Generally, *loading* is used to only mean *fetching an entity from its storage*.
sea26.2 avatar
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@LesLim I disagree... A search for that (which I did, incidentally) will show how to "render" the view. That is not what I want. The answer using the same context yields the results I would expect for a node. The same, it seems, should apply to a View.
Les Lim avatar
us flag
Then I suppose I'm not sure what you're expecting to see on the loaded entity, that you're not seeing.
cn flag

You probably want to load a ViewExecutable:

class ViewExecutable

Represents a view as a whole.

An object to contain all of the data to generate a view, plus the member functions to build the view query, execute the query and render the output.

$executable = $view->getExecutable();
om flag

Thank you @4x4. I dug around core and also found that. My working code that produces the resulting node from the query is this.

  $view = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // Get the NID from the View result.
  $result = $view->result;

With the NID from that, we can easily get the path - which was what I needed.

No Sssweat avatar
ua flag
If you just wanted to the result, a little shortcut [views_get_view_result](

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