
?_format=json does not produce JSON for files, REST

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I am using Drupal 9.3 with REST UI, RESTful Web Services, and Serialization enabled. For the REST UI, I have the following configuration for files:


Accepted request formats: json, xml

Authentication providers: cookie,

but when I try to get a json for a file (by appending ?_format=json to the url), I just get the file itself back (in other words the page is the same as without ?_format=json). This only happens for files, both media and nodes generate the json as usual.

Has anybody experienced this or knows how to fix it?

J.g avatar
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For example, when I have some media, at say `baseurl/media/1`, I can get a json by changing the url to `baseurl/media/1?_format=json`, similarly with nodes, `baseurl/node/1?_format=json`, I would like to do the same thing with files like `baseurl/sites/default/files/2021-06/test_0.txt`
in flag

This is because Drupal delivers the file from filesystem without any processing.

If you want a file delivered as JSON (whatever that means). You need a controller that loads the file, then does a json_decode on the content and returns the result as Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse.

And you also need a route for that controller method.

J.g avatar
us flag
I quite new to Drupal, could you provide some guidance on how to go about doing that (creating a controller and route)
Rainer Feike avatar
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You can find all of this, including code examples at, i.e. here:
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You cannot add ?_format=json to a file url at because that is just the directory of site files.

So why does Drupal give you json when you add ?_format=json to or That's because these are entities.

So, how can you use ?_format=json with files? You'll need to use entities.

The easiest way to do this is with the Media module, which is built into core.

To try this out:

  1. Install the media module.
  2. Go to /admin/structure/media.

By default, some basic media types will be created (audio, document, image, remote video, and video).

Check out the Doument media type as it is a good example of using files.

You can also easily create new media types for your specific use case.

Then you can use ?_format=json on the media URLs that you create.

The downside of this approach is that you still can't get the json from the file directory path; you will have to use the media entity url instead.

To set the media entity urls automatically based on a pattern, you can use Pathauto.


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