
What is the new methodology for Form Pre-Render in order to utilize TrustedCallbackInterface

cn flag

We are upgrading our sites one at a time from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 and there is one line of code in our custom theme that is the last of our problems.

We get the following error on View that uses an exposed filter:

Drupal\Core\Security\UntrustedCallbackException: Render #pre_render callbacks must be methods of a class that implements \Drupal\Core\Security\TrustedCallbackInterface or be an anonymous function. The callback was MYSITE_form_alter_views_exposed_form_MYVIEW_pre_render. See in Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->doTrustedCallback() (line 96 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Security/DoTrustedCallbackTrait.php).

In the OURTHEME.theme file, we have this function:

 * Custom form alter for events.
function OURTHEME_form_alter_views_exposed_form_events_pre_render($form) {
  $fields = [
  foreach ($fields as $field) {
    $form[$field]['#title_display'] = 'after';
  $form['field_date_range_end_value']['#prefix'] = '<div class="event-exposed-form">';
  $form['field_event_address_locality']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  return $form;

And the function is called here (just a snippet of the code in this function):

 * These are the alterations to forms variables before they are rendered.
function OURTHEME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'views_exposed_form' && strpos($form['#id'], 'views-exposed-form-events-') === 0) {
    $form['#pre_render'][] = 'OURTHEME_form_alter_views_exposed_form_events_pre_render';
  return $form;

From what I could divine from the research I've done so far, it seems that normally whatever class these kinds of functions are utilized in have implemented Drupal's TrustedCallbackInterface. Unfortunately, the only information I have found has been throughout the various patches being applied to projects throughout, so I'm trying to cobble together a methodology from random applications of it.

Of course, there's the Drupal API page, but that's not especially helpful when it comes to actually putting the pieces together into a useful methodology without knowing the rest of the API like the back of your hand.

Does anyone know if there's any documentation on how to apply the TrustedCallbackInterface to a function that previously used $form['#pre_render'][], especially in THEME.theme which is not set up the same as any old custom class in a Module?

Kevin avatar
in flag
The error is right there - you are adding a function to pre_render that is not approved to be called.
Loopy avatar
cn flag
So, the answer is just "Don't try altering the form pre-render. Do what you need to do another way." ?
Kevin avatar
in flag
Look at the linked change record
Loopy avatar
cn flag
The .theme file isn't a class. So I should create an src folder in my theme and move the code from my .theme file to a new class declaration?
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
Yes, see for example For a different callback type, but it shows a class implementing RenderCallbackInterface in a theme.
Loopy avatar
cn flag
Thanks for the more realistic example. In the end, I had such a difficult time figuring out the proper way to pass the values around for a form and its elements that I did give up and scrapped this methodology entirely in favor of just altering the twig template instead.
cn flag

You can do something like this:

in your new module my_prerenders in my_prerenders/src/ add a new class:

namespace Drupal\my_prerenders;

use Drupal\Core\Security\TrustedCallbackInterface;

class MyPreRenders implements TrustedCallbackInterface {

   * @inheritDoc
  public static function trustedCallbacks() {
    return ['formAlterViewsExposedFormEventsPreRender'];

  public function formAlterViewsExposedFormEventsPreRender($form) {
    $fields = [
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
      $form[$field]['#title_display'] = 'after';
    $form['field_date_range_end_value']['#prefix'] = '<div class="event-exposed-form">';
    $form['field_event_address_locality']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
    return $form;


In OURTHEME.theme you just have to use:

use Drupal\my_prerenders\MyPreRenders;


$form['#pre_render'][] = [MyPreRenders::class, 'formAlterViewsExposedFormEventsPreRender'];

instead of

$form['#pre_render'][] = 'OURTHEME_form_alter_views_exposed_form_events_pre_render';

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